Google lança desafio: como a pobreza pode ser erradicada em 15 anos?

Dreamstake is bringing together a community of scientists, inventors, engineers, artists, thinkers, doers, the young, the wise, from every background connected by a shared optimism that technology can cause radically positive things to happen in the world.

Solve for X is a global community that aims to surface brilliant scientific innovations and technological breakthroughs, that have the potential to solve big global problems facing humanity.

We are approaching the most interesting phase of the internet where it’s influence will be felt on a much broader scale.

Our hypothesis is that the startup culture will have a major positive impact on the poorest communities in the world.

In other words, the startup culture can spread wealth far more evenly than ever before. We need to build a global eco-system, joining the dots between the current clusters and the rest of the world.

On The Day:

We will use the Google Moonshot sprint process that allows everyone to contribute as individuals as a member of small teams. Each team will chose and concentrate on one aspect of the problem and attempt to solve it through the team’s diverse creativity and experiences. They will pitch their idea to the mentors and get feedback. Depending on the feedback they chose to move their idea forward or to refocus on a different solution.


We hope to create some effective new thoughts in the space, but whatever the result you will have participated in more exciting, more revolutionary and irreverent thinking than your day job.